Mar 31Liked by Charlie from Birdsong Academy

What a beautiful woodpecker! One we don't have here in the States!

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Mar 31Liked by Charlie from Birdsong Academy

The tongue is wrapped around the skull. Woah!

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I loved Bagpuss (which I guess is a must when your name is Emily..!) I watched a green woodpecker fly across our close a year or so ago - it's flight pattern particularly caught my eye and I was delighted to have seen and recognised it 💛another lovely post Charlie.

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Bagpuss! Now there was a show (showing my age here). And Professor Yaffle the Green Woodpecker - a character I’d totally forgotten about. There are a few resident Green Woodpeckers in Alexandra Palace, where I walk the dog most days. I always feel privileged when I catch a rare glimpse. Another great instalment as always Charlie.

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