Man, you got to love a Nuthatch. I saw one only this morning on my daily walk with the dog. It was checking out a hole in a tree as a prospective nest site - the third year that it’s eyed the real estate, so maybe this year it’ll actually move in! They’re stunning looking birds, but quite shy of humans (sensible policy!), so it’s always a bonus when you see one up close. Another great installment. M

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One of my favorites 💗

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I’m a fairly recent subscriber, so am still new to the delightful poetry and humor of your prose. I hear Zorros of the Boughs daily, though they’re often drowned out by pygmy nuthatches (Western N. America), tiny cousin MiniMes, who zoom about the woods in chirping flocks, and congregate noisily in Chatterbox Trees. Thank you Charlie!

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My first time here. What a great introduction. Looking forward to catching up with some of the earlier shrieks now too.

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Their North American cousins are just as delightful!

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Quite an insistent tweet! That was a joy to listen to.

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Until today, I thought treecreeper was another ne for a nuthatch! Wonderful post as always. I love these so much. Thank you Charlie 💛

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