There a report of a single Hoopoe quite near us on the Isle of Wight in someone’s garden. I live in hopes to see one in ours one day, but two??? I’d be overcome 😂 Lovely sound they make. Our swallows haven’t arrived yet in west Wight.

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The swallows have begun to arrive back in Ontario - we were so excited to see the tree swallows last week!

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Brilliant and informative as ever. Hoopoes used to be one of my favourite birds to stare at in bird books when I was growing up. The fact that they sometimes visit the UK always gave me hope, but I’ve never seen one here. So imagine my amazement when - whilst working in Dubai a few years ago - I saw half-a-dozen or so over a period of a few days. I mean, come on - Dubai of all places! The last thing I expected. I was bowled over. A true wildlife ‘bucket list’ moment. Looking forward to your next post.

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Thanks Mark - they are such bonkers birds, worth being bowled over by. Apparently a pair bred last year in Leicestershire... https://www.birdguides.com/news/hoopoe-breeds-in-leicestershire/

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According to Wildfooduk Lesser Celandine is one of the first flowering plants of the season it nearly always appears in the last week of February when the swallows arrive, chelidonia (Celandine) being the Latin for swallow https://www.wildfooduk.com/edible-wild-plants/lesser-celandine/

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